Crafting as Therapy

It’s a month with quite a few things up in the air, as I mentioned in a previous post. It’s also a month of trying to remind myself that it would be OK if I did not keep going 100 miles an hour and slowed down and took time for things that calm me and recharge me.


Bonus happy craft- the wedding glass was a craft project from my wedding 🙂

I had one such opportunity this weekend when I had a Friday night all to myself and threw a little crafting party! I opened some wine, busted out some old projects I wanted to finish, and even did a few super quick projects too. I made a few baby shower gifts from patterns I’ve worked with enough that I can get in the zone while cutting, ironing, and stitching. I listened to a few podcasts and some chill music. I upcycled some old t-shirts that are still meaningful to me. I even did some coloring just to stop thinking about anything and relax. And at the end of it all, I reveled in the fact that there was something I created. Something there that wasn’t before, or something made new or more beautiful by my efforts.


Baby shower gift! Handmade with lots of love.

There’s something so therapeutic about seeing an end project that is tangible, especially one you are excited to share. I’ve talked before about how crafting helps with my perfectionism issues, but it also helps me have something small and beautiful that I can control in a world that is filled with a lot of frustrations and unknowns and disappointments. My personality is one that tends to ruminate on everything- good and bad- probably longer than I need too and so all those things can cause unnecessary anxiety. Crafting helps me get out of my head and into my whole body so I can more easily sort through where I should spend my mental energy and which situations I can actually  help with or contribute to in some way.

And a friend pointed out last night that it’s is also a creative outlet where I can control the timing- theatre is funny because you are at the mercy of so many others (one of the things I love about it, you can’t do it alone) but that means timing depends on how seasons are picked and when, if you are cast, if schedules line up, etc. etc. etc. so it is nice to have ways to create that I can do all on my own either while jamming out to music or sitting in silence with my thoughts.


Coloring is always a beautiful activity. Whether you stay in the lines or go crazy! Plus, it’s an activity I can do alongside my son…

Do you have a favorite craft that helps get you in the zone? Something that feels very zen and centering? Do you get this same feeling from other activities and the idea of crafting just stresses you out? Curious where others get their sense of flow.

2 thoughts on “Crafting as Therapy

  1. Juni Desireé says:

    I definitely find creating/crafting therapeutic. It used to be jewellery making and then scrapbooking and then card making. Now it’s drawing. Funny how it comes it phases, but it’s always something creative that de-stresses me and gives me enjoyment.


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