May Goal Re-cap and June Tending List!

In some ways I can’t believe the year has gone by so fast, in other ways I keep reminding myself that the year isn’t even half over and there is still so much time to make progress on my goals! Today’s post is walking you through my tending list for June and holding myself accountable for what did and didn’t happen in May.

Before we dive in, if you were interested in using POWERSHEETS the second half of this year, get them quickly by clicking HERE as they are about to sell out of the six month planners and won’t be restocking until the 2019 version comes out.

Ok, so… After a whirlwind, super productive April, I knew I needed to slow down a bit in May and leave a lot of margin. Even with that margin some tasks just didn’t happen like I thought they would and THAT’S OK because progress still happened and goals are not an all or nothing game for me anymore.

May Monthly Goals:
*Celebrate!: My poor husband is always exhausted by the end of the month after alllll the celebrating and planning, but this was such a success. I got to celebrate our anniversary by getting out of Phoenix, I celebrated Mother’s Day and my birthday with a beautiful staycation that included Rose poolside and beautiful views, and we had a whole weekend of celebrating my son’s 4th birthday. It was a whirlwind month crammed full of joy.
*Complete Finance Goal Guide: This was the product I was most excited about in the Cultivate What Matters Summer Collection. We made this part of a stay at home date night and this guide asked us questions we might not have thought about otherwise and I’m planning a post later in June to talk about it more. I’m excited to start implementing the baby steps for some of our financial goals.
*Confirm Travel Plans for the Summer: I still need to finish this but big steps forward and I’m so looking forward to our trips.
*Catch up on Baby Book: This is an area where I made a lot less progress than I thought I would but I DID make some progress. Going to move this back to a weekly goal for next month and see if that helps me get through bigger chunks. I also need to restock on some supplies in order to get this done (Come on super coupons from craft stores!)
*Be open to change: I’m doing the best I can! Still not entirely sure what this looks like but I kept this idea at the front of my thoughts and prayers throughout the month.

May Weekly Goals:
*Photo Backup/Project Life Pages: For the most part this happened. Our desktop computer is slowly crashing which is making it hard to get it to play nicely with my iPhone. That just made me more grateful that I have all the baby pictures backed up though and reminded me that I need to either buy another device as a secondary back up or get some sort of digital backup/put things in the cloud/etc. so that’s something to think about for next month but overall this is starting to become part of my weekly routine.
*1 on 1 kid time: YES! My son got a little more of this than my daughter because I had special mother/son dates planned to celebrate his birthday, but I got some fun play times with each of them most weeks.
*Artist’s Date: Yes! improvement here, although nothing beats the staycation I took. I felt so refreshed and creatively charged after that.
*Pick a Pinterest Project: YES! Lots of this had to do with projects for my son’s birthday, but we’re also back on track for trying out a new recipe or two each week- especially helpful since I’m trying to find new recipes I like that don’t require a stove or oven during these hot summer months.
*Meal Plan/Budget/Family Meeting:
Yes. This is becoming a solid habit and now we are playing with the best ways to meal prep for the week.

May Daily Goals:
*Morning Routine: Pretty good overall. I’ve realized I kind of skip this not he weekends, but I’m using my own recommendation about the Eye Doctor Method of Household Management and deciding I’m OK with that.
*Yoga: A little hit and miss with all the wacky scheduling things and events this month, but some really wonderful classes when I did get to go and overall I am finding a new discipline and focus when I am in class.
*Artist’s Way: I definitely fell off the wagon the second half of the month, but I’m ready to jump back on next month.
*Hydrate: Hit and miss here. I need to majorly cut back my coffee intake to make room for more water and I need to remember that even my hydroflask gets pretty toasty in these summer months if I don’t pre-cool it with some ice or by sticking it in the fridge.
*Random Act of Kindness: Overall this was really fun! My big goal for this was to start getting in the habit of looking for ways to help others again. I got really inwardly focused during my pregnancy and post partum time because I was barely keeping it together. I realized a few months ago that I had lost the skill of being able to anticipate needs and see how I could help people and looking for the daily opportunity to do this was SO SO SO helpful. Plus it was kind of fun and challenged my creativity. Some days I did tried and true acts of kindness like buying coffee for the person behind me at Starbucks, but we didn’t have the budget to do something like that every day so I got to find other ways. I’m debating writing a future post about it but I want to try out a few more ideas first.
*7.5k Steps:This started really strong and and had some ups and downs the end of the month, but the middle of the month was a hot mess! That’s why I’m keeping the step count goal the same for June and hopefully I can feel good about upping it in July!

June Monthly Goals:
*Establish new (simpler) rhythms & routines: After a whirlwind May, June is all about getting back to basics and coming back to more sustainable rhythms. and routines. Going to try a few new things this month and hopefully next month I’ll have some well defined evening routines/weekly routines to put on my tending list.
*Sell/Donate stuff in garage corner: I did the hard part of cleaning and sorting and I’ve been doing a bit of this throughout the year but now I just need to get the rest of it OUT!
*Clean hall Closet/Office: Didn’t I just clean the office?! Hoping this time it sticks. It’s really our catch all place but if it gets cluttered then I can’t do some of the things I need space to do in there (like make fun stuff! or write in peace!)

*Celebrate Father’s Day:
Especially after the whirlwind month my hubby just had helping me celebrate so much. I’m guessing we’ll be finding something low key!
*Finish Summer Travel Prep: A carry over from last month- time to get the details squared away!
*Live simply/No Unnecessary Spending: One of the things necessary after all the celebrating last month but also we have renewed focus on this after completing the Finance Guide last month.
*Create/Start Summer Bucket List with Kids: There are about 100 examples of summer bucket lists on Pinterest, but I want my son to help create a personalized one before he starts school- we’ve always spent the days together and I want to make some extra fun memories before he’s away from me half the week!

June Weekly Goals:
*Project Life/Baby Book Work: Catching up little by little… hopefully working weekly is a better way to approach this.
*Caligraphy Practice x2: My newest creative endeavor… I got some calligraphy materials from my dad for my birthday and I’m looking forward to setting aside some time to learn and practice!
*Meal Prep/Family Meeting: Shifting our work from meal planning (which we’ve been good at for a while now) to meal prep and batch cooking (because I am OVER using the oven and stove every night)
*TV Free Evenings x3: I love the downtime of watching some tv and just letting my brain and body rest a bit, but it’s so good to have some TV free evenings.
*Sabbath & Self Care: Bringing this back because as far as re-establishing rhythms goes I want to be sure these things remain a priority.
*Artist’s Date: Finishing up the Artist’s Way strong!

June Daily Goals:
*Hydrate: I made this my top priority because I can already feel myself remaining thirsty all the time with the temperatures rising.
*Artist’s Way: Finishing up the Artist’s Way strong! I’m ready to re-commit to morning pages during this final month of the program.
*New exercise plan: With less extraneous activities in June, I was looking forward to getting back into the routine of going to yoga more often, but then my studio closed very suddenly and I’m still trying to come up with a new set plan. Needless to say this is discouraging and frustrating… I guess I’ll just have to find some more online practices or rock out some sun salutations on my own and be open to new things for what is next.
*7.5k Steps: Hopefully more consistent with this during the month of June.
*Read: Getting back into the routine of doing this daily- especially since all the holds I’ve been placing at the library have been coming up rapid fire! I’m having trouble finishing them before my time with them is up and I have to wait all over again!

I’m also planning to keep up my morning routine but am trying out dropping it from my tending list because I think it’s become habit by now! I guess we’ll see next month if it shows back up on my tending list or stays off!



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