November Wrap Up and Final 2022 Tending List

Hi friends! This is kind of a special post because it may be my last tending list sharing for a while. I’ve been doing this kind of post once a month for years now and I’m not sure it’s serving me as well anymore. To be honest, I had a moment where I wondered if I wanted to quit personal blogging all together next year and only focus on once a month posts for Phoenix Moms, but instead I realized I need to shakes some things up and try something a little different first before jumping ship. More on that in an upcoming post, but in the meantime, here’s a recap of November and a peak at my final tending list of 2022… Continue reading

October Wrap Up and November Goals

Hello November! AKA the start line of the sprint to the end of the year. Doesn’t it seem like time goes extra fast the final 2 months of the year?! I am both SO ready for it and absolutely not feeling prepared at all. Unsurprisingly, it was hard to think past the first week of this month, and you’ll see that reflected in this post, so with that disclaimer here we go… Continue reading

August Recap and September Goals

September- a month where we in Phoenix all think it should be cooler than it actually ever is, but also a month filled with hope of the cool weather to come as at least mornings start to become more bearable (we hope… after how weird and humid this summer was who knows?!) Here is how my tending list items went last month and where my focus will be for September: Continue reading

July Wrap Up and August Goals

Can I tell you a secret? I try to be a pretty positive person, but August is my least favorite month. It is so crazy hot here in Phoenix and the heat isn’t even close to being over, plus the school year feels like it keeps starting earlier and earlier and while that was something I really looked forward to as a kid, I kind of hate it as a parent. I love my time with the kids over the summer and I love not having to remember everyone’s academic schedules and needs. So I am bracing for this month but I know that if I can get through these next two months then my favorite time of year will be right around the corner. Before I get too far into the future though, let’s recap July and look at what I’m going to try and focus on as we head into a new school year… Continue reading

April Recap and May Goals

April was a hard, exhausting month over here. We had illness and medical stuff and anxiety and the regular ups and downs of life and school stuff with the kids. There were definitely wonderful moments, but I felt really thrown off and am ready for a new month to pivot and refocus. I was SO ready to work on my Powersheets prep for this new month. Continue reading

March Recap and April Goals

March is done! Whenever Spring break falls always feels like a weirdly long and short month all at once. Maybe it’s the residual trauma of marking when the world shut down? Maybe it’s just the stage we are in with early school age kids? Here’s how my March went and what I’m focusing on for April: Continue reading

February Tending List and a Peak at my 2022 Goals…

Every year I take some time in early December to do my Powersheets prep and look back at the progress I made that year and what I want to focus on during the next. I let all those ideas sit through the chaos of the holidays and revisit them the very end of December or early January to finalize my goals for the new year. Continue reading