2021 Wrap Up: Part 1

2021 has been quite a roller coaster. I can’t believe we are nearing the end of it and it is time for my yearly wrap up posts. I’m working on finalizing my new themes for 2022 and excited to share them with you in the new year. But before then, I’ll be taking the week of Christmas off from posting and then back with one more wrap up post for the year. Continue reading

Holidays: New Traditions in a New Home

One of the things I was most excited bout when we moved into our new home this summer was the holiday memories we could make there. we finally had a space big enough to host some holiday events and lots more room to decorate. One of the first things I said when we moved in
was Continue reading

Saying Goodbye to Our Most Recent Home: A Love Story

I cried my contacts out the night we signed the paperwork for another family to purchase our house. Partially this was due to the stress of still needing to find our own next home in a truly insane real estate market with very little inventory, and partially because it was the beginning of the end of a very messy, imperfect, beautiful love story between our family and our home. Continue reading

Big Family, Little House

The song “Love grows best in little houses” has come to mind a lot over the past few years (yes, the peak 80s/90s country cheesiness…), and the last year especially. It was one of the themes we continued to cling to in our starter home… but clearly that song was written before a pandemic and working from home with kids making noise through thin walls, and there’s a reason they only had two kids in the song not more!… I’ll admit that the main reason we are moving is so that we can have a little more space. We want room for the kids to grow and hubby to continue to work from home when needed. We want space to have people over after a long quarantine from entertaining. Still, I will miss our little house like crazy, and wanted to share a few reasons why our big family has loved our little house… Continue reading

H is for HOME

H is for home… One final H for the year. I know, it is belated to introduce a theme, but I went back and forth with whether or not to include it. See, home has been a weird thing to think about over the past year. When I picked the theme of GROW for 2020, I thought that several posts would be about growing into a new house as we became a family of five and needed more space… but then COVID happened. Continue reading

What I’ve Learned About Gardening and what Gardening has Helped me Learn About Me…

Thank you to everyone who read my guest post over at Perfection Pending last week! I was so grateful for the positive feedback and humbled by the shares.

Today’s post is about what has become one of my favorite hobbies:
It’s been just less than a year since I took the leap and decided to try some gardening in our backyard. In that year we’ve discovered the joy of homegrown flowers, the better flavors of garden fresh veggies, and all sorts of lessons. It’s been strange having friends ask me my thoughts on their starting a backyard garden because I am by no means an expert or even what I would consider an intermediate gardener.

Continue reading

Follow up: Exciting News! What we’ve been budgeting for…

So… you may have noticed that I’ve been extra busy/distracted/a bit stressed recently. I’ve wanted to write about why for the last month or so, but for some reason have been anxious about sharing this news with too many people before it became official, but now I can finally share (No, we are not expecting baby #2… sorry to disappoint those of you who have been asking…): We are going to be homeowners!! Continue reading