2023 Wrap Up! See you for the Year of K…

January Amanda truly had no idea what the coming year held… so many plans that went sideways and so many plot twists and surprises (some of them quite excellent ones… some not so much)

WOW! Only writing once a month was supposed to give me more time to process the year, but it somehow made the whole year feel like it went by even faster! 2023 was… a roller coaster. I really don’t know how else to put it. 2022 was this huge build up up up from several half marathons through the giant bucket list of accomplishment of the NYC marathon followed by an epic Disneyland trip and all the holidays. 2023 was all the ups and downs of post marathon life with so many twists and turns and lessons. I’m certainly not going to recap ALL of that, but I am going to recap what showed up on the blog this year and how some themes turned out differently than I’d planned, but in some really excellent ways.

My themes for the year of J were: Joy, Java, “Jar life” which was quickly replaced by “Jam” after I fell in love with our record player, and journaling. I’m going to work my way through recapping those things in reverse order…

JOURNALING: I thought that blogging on here less would lead to revisiting physical journaling again. And while in some ways that did happen- I returned to my Write the Word journals and dabbled in some morning pages, the biggest thing that materialized from my journaling theme this year was revisiting my old journals and journeying back through what I’d written from the end of high school up through finishing undergrad. This is an ongoing project and will continue in the new year, but I have learned SO MUCH from reading my old writings and I am so glad I gave myself the time and space to do this by pulling back on the more public blogging here. I haven’t decided what my publishing schedule for next year will look like, but I know that I needed the space this year to share a little less and reflect a little more.

JAM: Speaking of space to reflect, actually using our record player and gifting myself the time to enjoy a full album has enriched my life so much. Letting myself fall in love with music all over again had been one of the highlights of this year and I’ve found myself singing so much more- a habit that really took a nosedive during the pandemic lockdown days. My enjoyment of Taylor Swift really led me down a full blown Swift rabbit hole after going to her concert in the spring and her albums have taken up more time on our turntable than anyone else, and her diverse sounds became the soundtrack to my year with all its ups and downs.

JAVA: I didn’t write about it much, but I did enjoy plenty of it. With only 13 posts this year, Java got short changed a bit, but I am very glad I got to share about achieving my goal of ditching the chain coffee shops whenever possible and finding local places I love. (Something I will definitely continue in the new year!)

JOY: This theme got the most number of posts BY FAR. Probably not surprising as I consider joy to be deeper than happiness, and so the things that bring me joy I feel a greater urgency to write about on a regular basis. I wrote my traditionally open letters to all three of my wonderful kids. I also wrote my traditional birthday reflection. I shared about books that brought me joy and made me think. I wrote about the joys and challenges of family road trips. And of course I wrote about the perennial joy of hiking season.

It’s funny, my word for 2023 was supposed to be “focus” but I have honestly felt like this roller coaster of a year was immensely disjointed and instead shifted to something else that I can’t even put a good name to… it became a year of whimsy, or giving up plans and giving into the moment, of saying yes to things that surprised me, of wrestling with what is real and what can be real with a little more work… I don’t know how to sum all that up in a word.. maybe open-hearted? vulnerable? curious? What I do know is that I am already brainstorming what my year of K might include and what 2024 might look like… but first I am giving myself a little break to set some new goals for 2024 and refocus on making holiday memories with my littles. That’s why I’m indulging in my once a month posting and sharing December’s post nice and early. I’ll see you in 2024 in some form or another, and I hope you have a very merry, blessed, and joy filled end to 2023 in the meantime.

A Letter to my Oldest Daughter for her 6th Birthday

Perhaps the greatest thing to bring me joy in life is becoming a mom to three magical humans. One of my favorite traditions is writing them open letters for their birthdays as one of the ways we celebrate them. So I’ll have two posts this month- an open letter for each kid. Today it is for my middle kid- my oldest daughter who turned 6 earlier this year. Continue reading

A Letter to My Youngest as she starts Preschool

The second installment in my “I forgot to post birthday letters on time this year but at least I made notes about it in their birthday books” series… my youngest starts preschool this week and so I thought I would formalize and share her annual letter for the occasion just like I did with my middle kid when she started Kindergarten earlier this month. Continue reading

An Open Letter to my Daughter for her 5th Birthday

So… my oldest daughter’s birthday was actually back toward the beginning of the year… but things were so hectic with returning to school and illness and me introducing my themes for the year here on the blog that, while I wrote her a birthday letter, I didn’t ever end up making it an “open letter” here and it’s actually one of my favorite traditions to share in these little ways about my kids, so the start of a new school year seemed like a good time to share away. So while this was originally written as a letter for her 5th birthday, I’ve actually updated it a bit and turned it into an open letter to her as she starts kindergarten… Continue reading

Dear Treadmill: An Open Letter to my Favorite Instrument of Torture

Dear Treadmill,

I suppose I should start by apologizing for all the names I’ve called you so far this summer: the classic “dreadmill” title and the inside joke “trashmill” with my race twin, or the oh so straightforward “Satan’s Spawn” because I know calling you those names doesn’t help either of us, and probably makes me psych myself out about using you even more. But man, it sometimes feels like you really truly deserve it. Continue reading