Family Fridays: Intentional Time Together

A few summers ago, we started a summer tradition of family movie night each Friday during the summer. We have kept that tradition and I love it. We do not always have the time or schedule for a movie night each Friday of the school year, but we have tried to make Friday evenings intentional family time whenever possible. Continue reading

2021 Goals, January Wrap Up, and February Tending List

Those of you who are longtime readers know that sometimes my goals for the year sync up nicely with my writing themes for the year. Other times they are fairly different and sometimes they are a good mix. So now that you know my H themes of Holiday, Heights, How, and Home, it is time to talk about what else I discovered in my Powersheets Prepwork and what goals I’ve set for the year. Continue reading

Family Halloween Costumes

I have to admit… for a long time I kind of hated Halloween. I don’t like being scared. I was acting a ton so I was basically playing dress up for a living and with really nice costumes that I would not be able to make or afford for a one night party. It just was not that fun for me. Then I had kids. Continue reading