All the homes I’ve lived in. All the ways they shaped me.

I realized when we bought our house this year that I have lived a LOT of places. Especially compared to my parents or most people in their generations. I wanted to write a post looking back at how all those places shaped both me and my ideas of home… Continue reading

2018: Let’s Get Together…

Hello everyone! Can you believe it is almost time for a new year?! 2017 was rough in so many ways for so many people, but there was a lot of good in there too. As 2018 approaches, I’ve been brainstorming what the focus of my blog will be for the year of “E”s. This series of “announcement” posts will be short and sweet so we can all have a little extra time in the final countdown to Christmas and New Year’s… So here’s the first one: Continue reading

Parenting Lying Down

First of all, I promise all my posts aren’t going to be about my pregnancy the rest of the year, and I especially promise they won’t be about my struggle with being sick but I thought this one might be useful to some fellow parents out there….
Up until this summer, I was pretty strict with TV intake for my toddler. The first year of his life I would play music on youtube for him to listen to and dance with, but no TV. Around 18 months we started letting him watch about 20 minutes a day. I don’t think everyone needs to parent that way but I wanted to make sure we were getting out of the house as much as possible and not having TV as part of our regular routine. Continue reading

Blast from the Past

This is a post I started drafting just after our big trip last month. Since then it has been quite delayed due to mourning my grandma and then having our whole family get sick with the cold/sinus infection that just won’t quit! We’ve been exhausted and are still not quite back to normal but slowly trying to get there. Today is my grandma’s memorial and I debated waiting to finish this post until that and father’s day was over this weekend, but I feel like there’s always a reason to put it off until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow so may as well start today, right? So let’s get started:
Since my last post on chronicling I have done a TON of work in this area. Continue reading