Numbering my Days

I’m not typically a numbers person but I am trying to reassess that and play with some numbers outside of just calculating the times of my mile splits so…

I am publishing this on April 26, 2022. Less than a week before my 36th birthday. Let’s break that down a bit: Continue reading

Celebrating Life

I celebrated my birthday a week ago. Since then I’ve had a lot of people ask me how it was and my response has either been the tongue in cheek “as good as it could possibly be given the world right now” or the more direct and more honest, “Highly emotional” It was weird. I’ll remember it forever. And I hope that the best case scenarios come to pass and I won’t have to have a “socially distant” birthday again next year. Continue reading

Frugal Fun: Birthday Treats!

So I had a lot of fun celebrating my birthday last week. I celebrated all day long and the only thing we paid for was childcare and a movie ticket for my birthday date that night to Avengers: Endgame. The best part is? I still have birthday treats to come! After asking for suggestions on instagram, I had a few people follow up and asked what birthday treats I scored for free, so I thought I’d write a little blog post about where you can get some birthday freebies. Continue reading