My Favorite Books I Read in 2023

I love always learning more. The knowledge I gain from both fiction and nonfiction selections is a core piece of me. And while one of my goals last year was to read LESS that was in service of absorbing more and also of using reading for the pleasure and tool I want it to be instead of the escapism it had become my last pregnancy and the subsequent pandemic… still, I managed to read almost 75 books last year and These are my top 10 (and a few honorable mentions) in no particular order Continue reading

Miracles: A Mother’s Day Reflection

I’m writing this a little early because this weekend is busy- (aside from Mother’s Day, it is also my five year anniversary so I’d like to focus on celebrating that and savoring time with my husband!) but also because my kids are somehow napping at the same time and I felt motivated to write so I thought let’s seize the day! Continue reading

Lost Days

It has been a very different summer from the one that I expected. Our trip back in May was fabulous but had some bumps in the road and didn’t quite go to plan, my husband was still traveling the end of May, my family went through hard times, and I have been going through some exhausting times as well. And now that we have shared our big news, I can let you all in on some of the REAL reasons I’ve been struggling with blogging and taking big breaks from social media. (Settle in because this is a long post… grab some wine. I’ll sip my cranberry juice and pretend I’m having wine too…) Continue reading